San Diego Premier Training's Pounds 4 Presents Challenge

Who else wants to lose a few pounds this holiday season and feel great by helping with a great cause?

This year we have held a number of incredibly successful body transformation challenges helping clients just like you.


Or challenges are designed to help you:

  1. Learn how to eat healthy when life is crazy and time is minimal
  2. Understand workouts that burn fat more effeciently and leave you feeling energized
  3. Give you the confidence to wear clothes you haven't fit into in years.
  4. Keep you accountable so this isn't just another thing to try and not stick with.
  5. Motivate you will incredible support to set you up for success.


Here are a few of our members that decided to join us for one of our last challenges

While they lost inches and shed pounds of unwanted fat, they gained energy and self-condifence....and they FINALLY felt good about themselves again.


It wasn't "magic" that these individuals crushed their goals.... it was simply because they followed a step-by-step plan, had accountability, and were a part of an amazaing community who supported them..


Now....It's YOUR TURN.


If you;ve read this's because your someone who doesn't want to settle for AVERAGE.


While the "average" person is gaining weight over the holidays....that won't be YOU this year.  


You deserver to look forward to your holiday parties...not dread them!


I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to boost Your metabolism to burn body fat, flatten your stomach, and lean out your legs....all WITHOUT a crazy diet plan that won't let you enjoy anything over the Holiday Season!

Challenge Dates:  Nov 27th - Dec 17th


Your 21 - Day Pounds For Presents Challenge Includes:

  • Unlimited Workouts:  We offer various workout sessions every day so you can easily fit the workouts into your busy schedule.
  • Complete 21-Day Meal Plan: We know the holidays are the toughest time of the year.  We'll teach you exactly how to eat so you CAN enjoy all of the foods you love this time of year! 
  • Before & After Measurements: So you can see how far you've come in such a short time.  We love to use these to celebrate your success with you!
  • Accountability: We'll be there for you every step of the way to make sure you stay on track and have everything you need to be successful.
  • Incredible Community: This is probably my favorite part!  We have an incredible culture at SDPT.  There are no egos...and everyone is super supportive and fun! 
  • Unparalleled Support: To me, support is EVERYTHING.  We're always accessible if you have questions or need anything, and we're here for you 110%. 

Let's do this TOGETHER!  Join us for our...

21-Day Pounds 4 Presents Challenge!

  • 27Days
  • 09Hours
  • 26Minutes
  • 23Seconds

What Is "Pounds 4 Presents"?


With the holiday season here and the spirit of giving being a big part of it, we are using this challenge to help raise money for those less fortunate.  With this in mind we are raising money for Toys for Tots charity.  


Here is how it works.  50% of your registration investment goes straight to the Toys For Tots charity.  On top of that, for every 1lb you lose, we will donate an additional $1.  


This is a complete win-win.  You lose weight and we donate to a great cause.  

If you are ready to get started and fill out an application to claim one of our open spots for this challenge just click the button below.





Where are you located?


SDPT is located at 6451 El Camino Real Ste B2 in Carlsbad


How can I reach you if I have questions?


For any questions you can email or call 760-268-1023.


What is your schedule?


We have classes every day morning, afternoon, and evening.  You can check out our website to see the full list of classes.  For this program you will be able to attend any of our classes.  


If I am out of shape, can I still do the program?


Yes, our program is open to all fitness levels.  Our program can be modified for the beginner or advanced exerciser.  Our trainers can adjust the program to best fit your needs.  


Does this program come with a nutrition plan?


Yes.  We have worked with a dietician to create a healthy and simple to follow meal plean, complete with recipes and grocery list.  We have made this as simple to follow as possible.