Why Is There No Such Thing as a “One-Size Fits All” Training Program?


Three-quarters of American adults said that their physical health and appearance is “very important”. Yet only 31 percent of the respondents of the same survey said that they regularly exercise. Why is there such a big difference in attitudes and actions? One of the biggest hurdles that prevents many people from getting fit and staying in shape is finding the “right” training program.

From short-term workout challenges to various sports, there are endless options when it comes to how a person can manage to fit in their weekly workouts. Among all of these choices, why isn’t there just one type of activity that works best for everyone? Learn more about why there is no such thing as a “one-size fits all” training program.

All people have their own unique preferences

Even if one method of working out delivered the same results for all, not everyone would enjoy it. The American Heart Association states that if you have fun with the type(s) of exercise in which you engage, you are more likely to experience long-term success. From getting fit in an outdoor setting, to taking specialty classes, to becoming a regular at the local gym, there are countless ways to stay healthy. Some individuals have even found ways of getting fit while using a portable desk bike during their work day. Rather than choosing an exercise program that seems to work for a lot of people, be sure to take your own preferences into account. If you don’t find a given program to be enjoyable at all, it is time to find something that better suits your interests.

Varying endurance and skill levels

When it comes to selecting an effective workout program, there are multiple variables to take into consideration. Two of the most important are your endurance level and skill level. This is yet another reason why there cannot be one type of training program that works for all people. For example, if you haven’t worked out consistently for years, and are brand new to the skills that are needed for a specific workout, your training program will be a complete 180 from someone who has years of experience. An effective training program will always be tailored to challenge your individual fitness level.

Different goals require different workouts

Arguably, one of the most significant reasons as to why there could never be a “one-size fits all” training program is due to the unique goals that people set. One workout program does not have the capacity to be a weight loss tool for one individual, a body building workout for another, and a calming, low-impact workout for someone else. Workout goals can easily be incompatible, which makes it crucial for all people to choose a training program that works best for their individual needs. In addition to determining one’s specific fitness goals, it is also necessary to decide the timeframe in which one would like to achieve those goals.

While some gyms and workout professionals may give the impression that there can be a “one-size fits all” fitness training program, this simply isn’t the case. When choosing a workout, always be sure to select an option that is enjoyable for you, aligns with your current endurance and skill level, and that will ultimately help you reach your fitness goals.


Guest Post Author
Cindy Cummings