Our Mission At SDPT-What Makes Us Different?

This may be one of those long rants from me but if you can bare with me I know you will get a lot out of this one. I haven’t always been a big fan of reading, despite all the efforts from my mom who was an English teacher. Over the last few years though, I realized that it is something I just had to do to improve. So I would rotate from fitness books, marketing books, self help books, motivation, or anything else that would help me get better. I still don’t love reading just to read, but when there is a bigger purpose I do make sure I get it done.

I just finished reading “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek. I highly recommend it for anyone that owns a business, is in management, sales, marketing, or who wants to motivate others. It is crazy how an idea can change so much. After reading this book it felt like one of those “Ah Ha” moments, where things started to make better sense. So I decided to put into action by posting this because I think it can help you.

The book is essentially what the title says. The why. Why do we do things? After reading I really started to think, why are we in business? The easy answer is that we help people get fit, lose weight, feel better….. This is too simplistic. Go to a 24 Hr Fitness or any other gym and you basically get the same answer. But I know we are not the same. That is why we opened our doors over 7 years ago. To be different. I wasn’t happy with the environment gyms were creating and I knew I could do it better.

But I still had to answer why we do this. Some business will call it a mission statement. But I knew that I wanted to share our “Why” with everyone. So I thought the best way to explain it was this. Control and unstoppable. Everyone should have control of their health and fitness and should be happy with where they are.

Do you feel like you have control over your weight, body composition, dress size….? You should. There is no reason why anyone should feel like this is something out of their control. I’m not saying obtaining these things is easy but it is all completely in our control. Genetics is just an excuse. Yes some people will be blessed with an easier time staying at a healthy weight. They can eat whatever they want to not gain anything. This probably isn’t completely true but we feel this way sometimes. Even if you have “bad genes” there is still no reason you can’t be the weight or have the strength you want. So give yourself a quick audit. When you look in the mirror are you happy with the body you see? I’m not saying it should be everyone’s goal to be a fitness model. It is all relative to you. If you are not happy, what do you picture as your ideal self? Picture it and then start taking the steps to get closer to it. It may take weeks, months, or years, but get started. If you need help then ask.
The second part of our why is, can you do anything you want? I probably should explain this a little more. The human body is made to be able to do a variety of tasks. It should have strength, balance, endurance, mobility, power, and many other features. Can you do all of these things without question? If you wanted to go run a mile could you? If you needed to pick up something heavy could you? If, god forbid, someone was chasing you could you run away or fight back? The point is you never know what you will need to do and you should feel like you could do just about anything, within reason, that you wanted to do.

This is why SDPT exists. We believe that everyone has the right to the body they want (assuming you are willing to work for it and not come up with excuses) and you should have the ability to achieve any task that you find yourself in. This is our Why.

How we do this is by educating, motivating, and inspiring you to take action. What we offer is private and group coaching with fun workouts and nutrition programs that are easy to follow.

I hope you lasted this long with me and got something out of it. I felt it was necessary to share this because if we have similar beliefs and ideas that you have than you are right where you need to be, on this list getting valuable information from us. If you are not working out with us please shoot me an email and you can see if what we offer makes sense for you.

Well, rant is over. I hope you have a great rest of the day and start thinking on how you can apply these things in your life, business, or situation. What is your WHY?

You Stay Healthy San Diego,

Mike Deibler MS, CSCS
San Diego Premier Training