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Here are just a few of our success stories. Will you be next?

When my husband and I started the 8 Week Challenge, we were, as expected, nervous and apprehensive. People told us we were extremists and that we would never get through the 8 weeks. But what got us through to the very last day was the support and constant motivation from Mike and Emily.
They showed us that they were dedicated to each one of us and our progress. When we had setbacks, they found ways to help us turn them into extra motivation. The program not only helped us lose weight, BF and inches, it helped us completely rethink the way we eat.
What SDPT gave us was invaluable and unlike what you would get from a challenging program that offers results. It gave us the tools we need to change our lifestyle to be healthier people inside and out. My husband and I will definitely be joining the challenge again.
I encourage anyone looking to change their life FOR GOOD to give it a try.

I always wanted to lose weight, who doesn’t right? I wanted to be one of the hundreds of people jogging and cycling along the Carlsbad coast every Saturday morning. Four years later I found myself not making any progress.
During the 2016 Christmas holiday season, two relatives had medical issues that made me realize that I need to get moving and make a change towards a healthier lifestyle. At the time, I was wearing size 38 pants, XXL shirts, and weighed 231.5 lbs.
Thanks to San Diego Premier Training and the 8-week challenge I changed the “want” to “doing” and I have never felt better.
The 8-week challenge provided me everything that I needed to be successful with weight loss including nutritional guidance, small group exercise classes, a convenient and clean studio, and a community of great people and trainers who are fun, friendly, encouraging and welcoming.
I was successful on the 8-week challenge due to the support system of the SDPT trainers and the encouragement of the SDPT member community. I lost 23.5 lbs., 9 inches, and 5% body fat. This is certainly not the most weight lost on the program but for me, a barely active 45-year-old that spends 8 hours a day at a desk, it is a huge transformation.
Our Results Are Typical. Do not settle for anything less that you really want. Learn more about our 8 Week Program Here or click here to schedule your free trial workout.