Goal setting…, can there be a less sexy topic in health and fitness?  Probably not, but it is still THE most important part of it.

No one ever really takes the time to look at their goals properly.  They set up vague ideas and have a dream of what will hopefully be one day.  The problem is when you assume just putting in hard work will eventually lead to the results you want.

If you want to get somewhere in your car, you don’t just hope that putting the pedal to the metal as hard as you will get you there faster right?  Maybe you do.  But if the car is not going in the right direction and if you are not following traffic laws, you may find yourself even further from your goal than when you started.

Or what if you simply do not have a destination in mind.  You can drive as fast as you want but you will never get to the end.

This is why proper goal setting is so important.  It defines the finish line.  This isn’t a dream either.  You are establishing exactly where you want to go.  When you have a proper finish line you will also have an idea if you are getting closer or not.

So, if you have big plans to lose weight, exercise more, change your life…, you need to start at the beginning.  And this means not just setting a goal but understanding what it means to accomplish it.

You may be ahead of the game and already have set a goal for yourself.  You may want to lose a certain number of pounds.  Maybe you are even more progressive and understand that process goals are more beneficial and set a goal of working out 3 days a week or not eating after 7pm.

These might sound like a great start, but still they are just words and like most goals, will never be accomplished.

To make sure you don’t fall into the same cycle that most will, I have a simple 6 step process to guarantee you reach your next goals.  Yes, it is going to take work simply setting your goal.  But if you are not willing to put in the work here, what are the chances you will stay on track when things get tough and you want to quit?

Let’s get to work.

Step 1:  Set Your Goal

This part you have most likely done before.  But let’s just focus on a few key areas that many miss out on when first setting their goal.  When you set your goal, don’t just have a goal but ask yourself why this goal is important.  The answer to that is going to be your main motivation.  If you have a weak answer, then you have a weak goal.

If you have an answer you get excited about then write it down.  This simple step will dramatically improve your chances for success.  Not only write it down but look at it often.  Have it next to your bed and read it when you go to bed and when you wake up.

This is an important goal and it must take priority.

For our example let’s just say you want to lose 20lbs.  You want to lose 20lbs because you feel like you are missing out on doing the things your really want to do in life and being overweight is holding you back.  This is a great start.

Sure we can talk process versus product goals and SMART goals, but let’s keep this basic for today.

Step 2:  Turn It Into A Question

The next step is simple.  You are going to turn your goal into a question.  So instead of saying you want to lose 20lbs you will ask yourself, “What do I need to do to lose 20lbs.”  That is it.  Once you have your question you can move on.

Step 3:  Provide Answers To Your Question

The great part about your questions is that you already most likely have quite a few answers.  You don’t need an expert to help you just yet.  You probably know exactly what to do.  So, get out a piece of paper and start writing potential answers.  Come up with at least 10 here.  It will come easy at first, but it is usually the later answers that prove to be the most helpful.  Be as descriptive as you can.

The list might look like:

  1. Strength Train 2 days per week
  2. Cardio at least 30 minutes 3 days per week
  3. Keep a food log
  4. Have a protein shake after every workout
  5. Stop snacking after dinner
  6. Start saying no when friends are bad influences on my nutrition choices
  7. Hire a personal trainer
  8. Walk every day after dinner
  9. Get to bed earlier at night
  10. Prepare meals on Sundays


Step 4:  Pick The Best Solution

Now that you have at least 10 solutions to your problem you need to determine the best one.  Sure, there might be a few things you can do to help, but we need to find your priority.  What do you think the one big thing holding you back is?  Maybe you already workout so adding more exercise might not be the BEST solution.  But keeping a food log is something that may really help you.

This can be a tough decision and you won’t always pick the best one.  But start with what you think will help the most.  It is usually the one that you don’t want to do or will be the hardest.  Make sure, though, it is something you know you realistically can do.  Here is a good place to set the bar a bit low to get started.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew.  One answer will work right now.

Step 5:  What Would Stop You?

You have your goal and the one big thing that will help you get there. Now you need to plan for the worst because that is the reality.  Stuff is going to happen to prevent you from achieving your goal.  This is how life works.  If you think you are going to sail through this, then you won’t be prepared when it hits the fan.

You need to be proactive.  There is a good chance you have tried something like this before.  What stopped you from doing it?  Come up with a few obstacles that will get in your way.  Be realistic again here.

Once you know all the potential things that can stop you, how would you over come it.  Pretend you were talking to a friend and they were asking you for advice.  We all love to give advice to others, but have the hardest time doing it for ourselves.

If you had a friend come to you and say, “I have been trying to keep a food log to track my food better and help me lose weight.  But I always forget to write it down and then I must remember it all by the end of the day and don’t always remember what I had.  Do you have any tips?”

Think how you might help them?  Maybe you suggest that they start writing their food logs the day before or in the morning.  That way they did it ahead of time and now they just follow what they wrote down.  And if anything changes, they just have to update it.

Maybe you can think of a better answer.  The point is, have a plan that will prevent you from giving up and falling off track when you are faced with resistance.  It is going to happen.

Step 6:  Never Stop

You have everything you need to be successful now.  Well almost everything.  The last step is critical.  You must have one mindset only.  No matter what you won’t give up.  This is why we needed a goal that is important to you with an important reason behind it.  Even if the plan we set up doesn’t work, that is ok.  You can start again and again and again.

The secret to achieving goals is not just having a plan but realizing that those who are successful will fail over and over again.  They take small steps forward and then hit walls.  But they keep trying and keep at it until they are there.

If you have this never stop mind set where nothing will prevent you from getting you where you want to be, then you have everything you need to hit your goals.

Don’t stop here.  You have the steps now apply them to you.  Get out a piece of paper and start writing this out.  Yes, I am giving you homework.  Those that do this will be the ones who get those goals done.  Those that don’t will keep jumping from one thing to the next, hoping that this time will be different.

If you need help writing up your goals and coming up with a plan let me know.  Just email me at mike@sandiegopremiertraining.com and let me know how I can help.


Mike Deibler MS, CSCS

San Diego Premier Training