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Restoring Testosterone

Restoring Testosterone

Restore Testosterone Through Nutrition and Exercise Programs Testosterone, the male anabolic hormone, is a substance that is responsible for masculine traits. High testosterone correlates with muscle tone and low body fat. Men with high testosterone are ‘alpha males’ and are generally more successful. Weight, age and fitness levels are all important for high testosterone levels, […]

Cardio Fitness After 50

Cardio Fitness After 50

  Cardiovascular exercises, or aerobic workouts, are the quickest way to begin or get back into a fitness routine. Flexing the heart becomes especially important after the age of 50 when the metabolism is slower and gaining weight is easier. Cardio exercises domore than work up a good sweat, though, and there are more than […]

Random Thoughts On Fat Loss

Random Thoughts On Fat Loss

When it come to maximizing your weight loss program, my first recommendations are always to perfect the basics. If you can do a few things really well, you should see significant results. Probably around 80% of the results you get come from consistently doing the following: Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water […]

Do You Follow The Rules?

Do You Follow The Rules?

Without rules the world would be complete chaos.  Imagine no one stopping at a red light or a sport where athlete just did whatever they want.  We have to have standardized rules to function in a society. You need rules to avoid complete chaos personally as well. You may have some you follow already.  Maybe […]