If you have read my last two posts, you should have a really good idea of how you are going to start your new health and fitness plan. Check them out here: https://sandiegopremiertraining.com/start-your-path-here/ https://sandiegopremiertraining.com/the-fundamental-weight-loss-habits/ So now I would like to dig a little bit deeper into some of these essential habits that you MUST incorporate. […]
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Category: Blog
The Fundamental Weight Loss Habits
Well after my last post, you should not be reading any further until you have followed through on your action plan. If you missed the last post, just check it out here before you continue any further. Start Your Path Here The goal of the last post was the start you in the best possible […]
Start Your Path Here
I recently wrote an article on why you should not try and be like me. How you should not try and be like anyone. Unless you know that person is in the exact same situation as you are, you probably will not have success trying to pick it up where they are. I have been […]
A Weight Loss Program MUST Start Here
You may have noticed, but there are a few different approaches you can take to try and lose a few extra pounds. With all the different diet and exercise plans available, it can be hard to figure out what works and doesn’t work for you? Chances are you know someone that tried diet “X” and […]
How To Protect Your Back
As the old statistic say, 80% of the population has expired some type of low back pain at some point in their life. And then there is the 20% who lied about it. Low back issues will plague just about everyone at some point in their life. Whether mild or chronic, this is something that […]
10 Top Fitness Gifts of 2017
Well it is that time of year. And if you are like me you are scrambling at the last minute to find the perfect gift for friends and family. I always seem to struggle finding gifts sometimes, so I figured I would help you just in case you were in the same boat. Here are […]
5 Tips For Eating Out Without Blowing Yo...
It’s coming up on that time of year when there tend to be more reasons to eat out or grab stuff on the run. You know- with back to school, back to sports, holiday party planning -( I Know! I can’t believe it either….) – eating well often gets pushed to the wayside for the simple […]
Restoring Testosterone
Restore Testosterone Through Nutrition and Exercise Programs Testosterone, the male anabolic hormone, is a substance that is responsible for masculine traits. High testosterone correlates with muscle tone and low body fat. Men with high testosterone are ‘alpha males’ and are generally more successful. Weight, age and fitness levels are all important for high testosterone levels, […]
Cardio Fitness After 50
Cardiovascular exercises, or aerobic workouts, are the quickest way to begin or get back into a fitness routine. Flexing the heart becomes especially important after the age of 50 when the metabolism is slower and gaining weight is easier. Cardio exercises domore than work up a good sweat, though, and there are more than […]
Random Thoughts On Fat Loss
When it come to maximizing your weight loss program, my first recommendations are always to perfect the basics. If you can do a few things really well, you should see significant results. Probably around 80% of the results you get come from consistently doing the following: Drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water […]