Sometimes we are guilty of only talking about the good stuff. No one wants to admit that they failed or things aren’t going great. One thing I have learned is that successful can be often over-exaggerated. It is important that we discuss our failures though. We are all human. We will mess up. It is […]
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Category: Blog
Changing Habits Is Hard But This Will He...
Let’s face it. Changing a habit is hard. Whether you are trying to quit a bad habit or start a new healthy one, change is hard. It seems like everything is fighting against you when you want to make a change. Right when you want to give up McDonalds, the McRib comes back. Just when […]
4 Things You Must Have To Reach Your Goa...
If you are interested in losing weight there are a ton of different factors that you probably are thinking about. Weight loss can be a very complicated thing but our job has always been to make things simple and easy to follow for you. If you want to lose weight, tone up, or just be […]
Our Mission At SDPT-What Makes Us Differ...
This may be one of those long rants from me but if you can bare with me I know you will get a lot out of this one. I haven’t always been a big fan of reading, despite all the efforts from my mom who was an English teacher. Over the last few years though, […]